New Funding Cycle for the European Economic Area

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Blue Book sets priorities for 2021-2028

The current 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism is coming to an end, making way for a new funding cycle under the EEA Grants.

The new European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2021-2028 will soon begin, and the Blue Book, the document that outlines the programme areas and funds eligible for support in the new funding period, has already been published.

European Green Transition, Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Resilience are some of the thematic priorities of the new Financial Mechanism.

Portugal’s focus will remain on its current priority areas, such as Blue Growth, Environment, Culture, and combating domestic and gender-based violence. Gender Equality and Digitalization will be cross-cutting priorities, impacting all programs funded by the new mechanism. One of the novelties for Portugal will be the inclusion of Access to Justice as a thematic priority.

The EEA Grants have existed since 1994 and were created to reduce economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area and to strengthen bilateral relations between beneficiary and donor countries. This will be the sixth Financial Mechanism in which Portugal is a beneficiary. Over the past 30 years, more than 800 projects have been supported in the country, covering diverse areas such as climate change adaptation, circular economy, decarbonization, cultural heritage and arts, gender equality, and combating domestic and gender-based violence.

Negotiations for the next European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2021-2028 are ongoing, and the Memorando of Understanding is expected to be signed later this year.