Collaborative Initiative for Aquaculture Robotic Systems (CIARS)

Promoter: WavEC Offshore Renewables
Partners:SINTEF Ocean AS - Norway
EEA Grants: 13 114,80 €
Total Amount: 14 572,00 €
Grace Code: PT-BI014
Programme:It facilitated mutual understanding between the two entities involved (WavEC and Sintef) and fostered cooperation between Portugal and Norway in the field of aquaculture, particularly in the areas of research, development, and technological innovation in offshore aquaculture and the development of value chains.
A very positive visit to ARGUS was conducted, providing the necessary knowledge for the development of projects. Additional collaborations were also agreed upon, and the application/production of hydrogen in an offshore environment was discussed.
A visit to Portugal took place, involving members of SINTEF and WavEC, which allowed for a better understanding of the Portuguese ecosystem regarding the technological topics under discussion, such as underwater robotics and offshore aquaculture. Other entities, such as IST, FEUP, and Jerónimo Martins, were also involved during this visit.
Future trends and market needs regarding the application of existing and/or new technologies were identified and discussed.