Promoter: Instituto Superior Técnico
Partners:Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, University of Lisbon;
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
EEA Grants: 12 258,54 €
Total Amount: 13 620,60 €
Grace Code: PT-BI051
Programme:What did this initiative focus on?
The facades and roofs of buildings have a relevant contribution to the thermal exchanges with the exterior, directly affecting the building's energy consumption and associated costs, greenhouse gas emissions and the users' well-being.
The EFFICACY initiative (Energy eFFiciency buIlding and CirculAR eConomY for thermal insulation solutions) brings together the Instituto Superior Técnico - IST (University of Lisbon - UL) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Trondheim (NTNU).
EFFICACY addresses the development of guidelines for the use of thermal insulation solutions in the rehabilitation of existing buildings and/or for new construction.
It is intended to create a database to systematise relevant criteria for thermal insulation solutions in existing building rehabilitation and/or for new construction.
The selection criteria will rank:
- technical requirements (e.g. thermal and hydrothermal performance),
- construction details and visual impact,
- environmental and socio-economic indicators, also based on geographical climate conditions and climate change scenarios.
These recommendations will be consolidated in a handbook that expresses different views of the main stakeholders, highlighting present and future climate conditions.
The principal investigators of the project are Professor Inês Flores-Colen from IST / UL, member in the research unit CERIS (Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, IST, UL) and Professor Chiara Bertolin from NTNU.
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