InfoBank for Norwegians moving to PT and Portuguese to NO
InfoBank for Norwegians moving to PT and Portuguese to NO

Promoter: Clube Norueguês em Portugal
Partners:Lusofonia Bergen, Norway;
Portugisisk-Norsk forening, Norway;
Ana Pomba (volunteer consultant), Portugal.
EEA Grants: 13 053,00 €
Total Amount: 14 504,00 €
Grace Code: PT-BI024
Programme:What did this initiative focus on?
The Norwegian Club in Portugal (DNKP), the club identified a need for better organisation of practical information about moving to and living in Portugal. We have collected some information, which is available to members in the Facebook group, categorised as LEXIA. This project will be developed and adapted for portuguese people moving to Norway.
The Portuguese communities in Norway (Lusofonia Bergen and Portugisisk-Norsk forening) have been invited to collaborate with DNKP. The project will organise small local events in Portugal and Norway, as well as a larger workshop in Lisbon, to define problem areas and their solutions. The result will be uploaded and exist as an information bank on our websites (under construction).