Mapping Out
Mapping Out

Promoter: ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Partners:Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway
EEA Grants: 13 361,61 €
Total Amount: 14 846,23 €
Grace Code: PT-BI052
Programme:What did this initiative focus on?
Cies-Iscte joins, through this initiative, the innovative project of the research centre PRIO to investigate the growth of mobilization against migrants in Europe.
The Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (Cies-Iscte), Portugal, will be part of the project 'The Mobilization Against Migration', led by PRIO, from Norway, by incorporating the Portuguese case to its analysis. Thais França (Cies-Iscte) is responsible for the initiative in Portugal.
The initiative is part of a wider transnational collaboration led by Kristian Berg Harpviken (PRIO, Norway) which investigates contemporary European anti-immigration mobilisations (Germany, Italy, Poland, UK and Portugal) by analysing their transnational dynamics and their impact on the national migration agenda.
In this context, the present initiative aims at broadening the knowledge on the Portuguese anti-immigrant movement, following the threefold analytical focus of MAM:
- interaction (forms and consequences),
- framing (political-ideological underpinnings) and
- outcomes (on political migration).
To ensure knowledge transfer, dissemination of results and foster future collaboration between the two institutions, the following key activities are planned:
- Two study visits to Norway
- One training session for PhD students
- A policy briefing session with policy makers and subject matter experts
- A final conference in Portugal
"Mapping out" seeks to provide evidence-based policy recommendations and facilitate the connection between research and practice in the field of migration governance. Moreover, as studies on anti-immigrant movements in Portugal are scarce, it will open up a new field of research on the national agenda.
Finally, "Mapping Out!" aims to establish a vibrant and self-sustaining collaboration between Cies-Iscte and PRIO, contributing to boost the partnership between Portugal and Norway.
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