
Promoter: Blue Bioeconomy Collaborative Laboratory (B2E CoLAB)
Partners:NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster;
Iceland Ocean Cluster;
EEA Grants: 12 630,33€
Grace Code: PT-BI066
Programme:What is the aim of this initiative?
The Roadmap4MarineCoproducts – "Framework design of the Portuguese Roadmap for marine coproduct valorisation – Lessons Learned from Norway and Iceland" is a project that aims to identify the main challenges and opportunities in the marine coproduct valorization sector in Portugal.
In order to develop innovative solutions, it is intended to create business models, value chains, technologies and processes that help improve efficiency in the area of blue bioeconomy. The project results will be key information and partnerships to develop a beta version of a Portuguese roadmap, aiming to grow Portugal's strategic position in the valorization of marine coproducts, by improving the sector's efficiency and increasing competitiveness.
Led by B2E – Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB, the project is based on the experience of Norway and Iceland, two countries operating at the forefront of marine coproducts assessment. It also brings together strategic partners such as the Norwegian Seafood Innovation Cluster (NCE Seafood Innovation) and the Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC), and their associated networks, including companies and innovation ecosystems, totaling nearly 200 entities.
The action plan includes knowledge Exchange, visits, and exchanges, as well as networking events among the participating institutions. Roadmap4MarineCoproducts is a Bilateral Initiative with an implementation period of one year.
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