FBR/01 - Norway-Iceland-Portugal Business Opportunities under the EEA Grants
PDP 01 - Norway-Iceland-Portugal Business Opportunities under the EEA Grants

What did this initiative focus on?
This Pre-Defined Initiative aims to promote and develop bilateral contacts for the development of joint projects in the field of the blue economy, including the application of technology and innovative processes oriented towards research.
Related Content ResultsThe initiative had as its main objective the strengthening of bilateral relations between Portugal, Norway, and Iceland, and the promotion of EEA Grants to foster business partnerships.
Nineteen companies participated in the mission (17 Norwegian and 2 Icelandic), and the conference had more than 80 participants. A total of 120 meetings were held between Portuguese, Norwegian, and Icelandic participants, with 63 meetings requested by the Norwegian/Icelandic side and 57 by the Portuguese side.
The meetings conducted led to the signing of 17 cooperation agreements between the parties and/or confirmed the possibility of cooperation in the future (106 agreements).
A satisfaction survey was conducted, with 55 respondents out of 146 registered participants (38%), including 34 responses from Portuguese representatives and 18 from Norwegian/Icelandic participants:
- 98% stated that the expectations for the conference were met (54).
- 95% rated the profile of participants and the ease of scheduling meetings as "excellent" (24) or "good" (28).
- 82% rated the relevance of bilateral meetings as "excellent" (17) or "good" (28).
- 96% rated the assistance and organization as "excellent" (33) or "good" (19).
- 96% rated the location of the event as "excellent" (34) or "good" (19).
The initiative was relevant for ensuring the transfer of knowledge about the state of the art in various subsectors of the maritime industry in Portugal, Norway, and Iceland. It also contributed to the development of new partnerships and commercial relationships, resulting in increased international business and joint R&D projects for the creation of innovative products in the maritime sector through applications to the EEA Grants.
The initiative also promoted the sharing of knowledge about the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the programs from 2014 to 2020 and the strengthening of bilateral relations between Portugal and Norwegian and Icelandic partners.