FBR/11 - Preventing and combating fisheries crimes
PDP 11 - Preventing and combating fisheries crimes

What did this initiative focus on?
The commercial relationship between Portugal and Norway, in the fisheries sector, has been consolidated over the last years and is now a very significant factor in the economic balance of both countries.
In this matter, it is cod fishing that takes centre stage, where the presence of the Portuguese fleet in Norwegian waters comes from the entry into force of the European Economic Area and not from the EC/Norway bilateral fisheries agreement.
In the modern world, compliance with safety rules (economic, sanitary, etc.) requires networking.
This initiative aims to improve relations between the relevant authorities, with the objective of to share working practices in preventing and combating crime in the fisheries sector, between the national structures in operation.
At the same time, it is expected to build a solid network of contacts, always very useful in future joint actions.
For this purpose, it will be organize a visit to Norway and another to Portugal, which will include a Networking Meeting and representative events.