FBR/14 - Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences IPMA - IMR
PDP 14 - Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences IPMA - IMR

What did this initiative focus on?
The bilateral initiative proposed by the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I.P. (IPMA), aims to fund activities that will support the development of a joint programme of work with the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR). Under this project we aim to establish joint working groups and discuss programmes of work in 5 themes of common interest previously identified:
• Biobank Gene Mare;
• Ocean Observing Systems;
• Aquaculture, Seafood Upgrading and Food Safety;
• Oceanographic Campaigns Planning and Research Vessels Management;
• Baseline Studies for the development of Offshore Wind Energy
This bilateral initiative is based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2015 between the IPMA and the IMR, two leading institutions in the field of marine sciences that value international collaboration on strategic research areas such as environmental research.
Activities to be developed under this initiative include:
- Visit of an IMR delegation to IPMA’s Research Vessel (RV) Mário Ruivo if the vessel is on port call in Lisbon (stopover during DEMERSAL campaign)
- Visit of an IMR delegation to IPMA facilities in Algés and to IPMA’s Aquaculture Research Station in Olhão (EPPO) - first week of November 2024 (tbc);
- Joint workshop during the visit of IMR to Portugal;
Expected results of this initiative include the following:
- Joint Programme of Work
The on-site visits to IPMA’s facilities will provide IMR with a better understanding of the current initiatives and technologies being applied in the different themes of interest. The joint seminar will provide both entities with more information about relevant projects and initiatives in the different research areas.
Thus, besides the above identified result, this bilateral initiative is expected to give new impetus to the long-standing collaboration between the two institutions, thus contributing to the reinforcement of bilateral relations between Portugal and Norway.