FBR/15 - Cooperation on good practices about the role of women in the IP field
PDP 15 - Cooperation on good practices about the role of women in the IP field

What did this initiative focus on?
The main objective of this initiative is to promote the share good practices between the Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office (ISIPO) about tools, initiatives and public policies that could foster the gender GAP close on the IP field.
This initiative contributes directly to the objectives of the EEA Grants, namely:
1. Reducing social and economic inequalities in Europe: promoting gender equality in strategic areas such as innovation and IP;
2. Strengthening bilateral relations between Portugal and Iceland: increase collaboration between the two countries, with a focus on empowering women in strategic sectors.
It is planned to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two IP offices in the cooperation field, that will enable the share of the best practices and common initiatives to raise awareness about the role of women in the IP field.