TransVariations Project concludes with prospects for continuation
Traction Project ends with positive results
Traction Project comes to an end and highlights achievements and impacts on the sector
Closing of the Hymenaeus Project – Improving Legal Response and Access to the Law for Victims of Domestic Violence
Hymenaeus Project, promoted by the Porto School of the Faculty of Law at the Portuguese Catholic University, concludes with a hearing of the researchers involved
Define(ing#PT) anticipates developments within the scope of the new European Construction Products Regulation.
Digital Product Passports, the tool for Sustainability
RE-WAY COOP, a cooperation between Portugal and Norway
The RE-WAY COOP Project strengthens ties between Portugal and Norway with the mission of promoting the social reintegration of individuals deprived of freedom
iSEA project final event, an initiative towards sustainable macroalgae farming along European shores
A roadmap for sustainability
The project “Coastal Wave Modelling in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira”, financed by the Bilateral Relations Fund, comes to an end
Successful bilateral initiative ends and presents outcomes and results
"Building Bridges" projet: building bridges between Portugal, Norway and Iceland
"Building Bridges” project, which improved collaboration between UNESCO World Geoparks (UGGp), has ended after three years of EEA Grants funding
“GEOCLIMAT– GEOtechnical CoLlaboratIons, Modelling and Advanced Testing to face climate change” ends after 1 year of EEAGrants funding
GEOCLIMAT ends with future perspectives of collaboration between Portuguese and Norwegian institutions
Mapping Out projet has concluded its activities with excellence
Mapping Out, a successful initiative, funded by EEA Grants concludes and presents its results.
Shaping project ends and presents its main results
Shaping, a project funded by the Bilateral Relations Fund, held its final seminar and presented the main results obtained
Adaptchange project comes to an end full of achievements and many ideas for future projects
Adaptchange, a two-year project funded by the EEA Grants under the Bilateral Relations Fund, has come to an end with many successes.
Conference of the Hymeneaus Project | 30th november
The Hymeneaus Project – Improving legal response and access to the law for victims of domestic violence, financed by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund, started on April 14th, 2023, and will last one year.
GEOCLIMAT kicks off with bilateral meeting
Through funding from the EEAGrants Bilateral Relations Fund, the project "GEOCLIMAT - Geotechnical Collaborations, Modeling and Advanced Testing to face climate change", with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP,) Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), starts with the first online meeting.
EEAGrants Team on Study Visit in Iceland
As part of the four-day workweek initiative, the National Management Unit of the EEA Grants visited Iceland to learn from Icelandic experience.
CoSki Project promotes training and knowledge sharing between Portugal and Norway
In the scope of this project, Zinaída Shakel went to Tromsø, Norway, for a one-month scientific exchange.
The Directorate-General for Health held the event that marked the end of the pilot phase and the dissemination to the whole country of the e-Bug Pedagogical Programme
The Directorate-General for Health held the event that marked the end of the pilot phase and the dissemination to the whole country of the e-Bug Pedagogical Programme.
Hymeneaus Project | Improving legal response and access to the law for victims of domestic violence
On the 14th of April, Project Hymeneaus - Improving legal response and access to the law for victims of domestic violence, an initiative funded by the Bilateral Relations Fund of the EEA Grants, began.
iTech4Monitoring promotes workshop
A workshop focused on the themes of the initiative, took place on 9 and 10 May at the University Centre of Porto of Lusófona University.
AquaCell presents results
Last 30th of May took place, at CIIMAR, the workshop of the AquaCell project, funded by the Bilateral Relations Fund of the EEA Grants.
PIPELIFE kicks off with bilateral meeting
The kick-off meeting of the PIPELIFE project (Opportunities and Challenges to develop a generic model for prescriptive maintenance in the energy sector) was held on 30th May.
SHAPING | Project launch meeting
On the 10th of May, the SHAPING project, co-funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA Grants) under the Fund for Bilateral Relations, was officially launched.
Launching session of the TRACTION Network | TRACTION Project
The TRACTION Network (Trials for Health Care Interventions) will be presented on the 26 of May at 12h40 in the Amphitheatre of the Polo Artur Ravara of ESEL.
First meeting of the PractiMent Project National Working Group
Regarding the PractiMent initiative (Initial Teacher Education - Practice and Mentoring), funded by the EEA Grants Fund for Bilateral Relations, the first meeting of the National Working Group was held on 8 May 2023, at 10h30.
Portugal and Norway - Renewable Energies Matchmaking in Madeira
The National Focal Point (NFP) of the EEA Grants Portugal is organising a matchmaking event between companies, and clusters of companies, with innovative green solutions from Portugal and Norway, which will take place on May 25th, at the Museu de Eletricidade-Casa da Luz, in Funchal.
EEA Grants – Bilateral Relations takes ICBAS student to Oslo
Ainda não definido
Beethoven in the Age of AI
Ainda não definido
Riding the modelled waves in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira!
Ainda não definido
What can Portugal learn from Norway and Iceland on marine coproducts valorization?
This initiative focuses on finding the challenges and opportunities within the marine coproduct valorisation sector, relevant for successfully steering the sector in Portugal.
"Auction Design for renewables" - A research project led by Católica Porto Business School
The purpose is to look deeper into the use of auctions for renewable energy production, especially solar and wind, applying it to the Portuguese and Norwegian experiences.
CIDNUR/ESEL project developed in partnership with a Norwegian treatment centre aims to establish a network for non-pharmacological clinical trials
This initiative aims to establish an integrated network that facilitates the performance of clinical trials with non-pharmacological health care interventions
How to increase the potential of using oyster shell waste in construction materials?
SHELLTER project will contribute to the creation of opportunities for the exploitation of oyster shell waste from aquaculture or from invasive species as an industrial product for companies that are committed to the sustainability of construction materials.
COOPERATIVE Project meets in Norway
The workshop was aimed at discussing a roadmap for future collaboration in projects addressing Human Factors in the field of Human-Machine Interaction.
The work of the Portuguese scientists working in Iceland is already available at Público
This project allowed us to publicize the bilateral relations between Portugal and Iceland in themes so essential to the world as biodiversity and climate change are
Seminar: A Road for Adaptation of Bridges to Climate Change
This seminar intends to bring together experts from the bridge engineering field and academia, climatologists, bridge authorities, and decision makers to understand the impacts of climate change on the health of bridges and to propose cost-effective adaptation strategies.
Check out the two scientific papers recently published under the IFI-IFE initiative
The papers are focused on the development of materials with negative thermal expansion and of new methods to estimate the temperature variations that magnetic materials undergo when a magnetic field is applied (magnetocaloric effect).
1st Interational Meeting "ISLANDS, WHALES AND PEOPLE"
The 1st Interational Meeting "ISLANDS, WHALES AND PEOPLE" took place from 5 to 7 September, in Horta city, Faial island, in Portugal.
LOOK AT US is a trip to Norway!
16 youngsters from a school in Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto - will travel to Haugesund, in Norway, from 18th till 24th of August.
MICSeaOnMed initiative: Research and technological development brings together Portugal and Iceland in the valorization of fish by-products for the health sector
This initiative allowed to share experiences between the two countries, on the valorization of marine biological resources and fish by-products and associated development of industrial applications, with emphasis on biomedicine.
Público's team arrived in Iceland for project financed by EEA Grants
The result of the project "Portugal and Iceland: united by biodiversity" will be published on print and online editions of Público.
CoSki holds international Workshop on Advances in Skin Therapy Research
Workshop on "Advances in Skin Therapy Research" for PhD students and researchers, Portuguese and international was promoted by the CoSki initiative.
SEED Keepers - Good Practices Manual on Seed Conservation
The Good Practices Manual, which incorporates various seed conservation techniques for different plant families, is now available.
This Initiative aims the cooperation between Portugal and Iceland on the valorization of fish by-products, marine biomaterials and biomedical applications.
Project warns of “breakdowns in the energy factory” of the human body
Warning to the problem of diseases caused by the failure of energy production in the human body is the main goal of “Mit.OnOff”, a science communication project of the Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology (CNC) of the University of Coimbra (UC).
FBAUL/KHIO Conversations: Intertwining a cartography of common affections in Artistic Research (AR
The novelty of the project ARcTic South is that is happening through the terrain of a practice of thinking together among artists practitioners to approach the subject of Artistic Research
CIDIUM researchers visit Norwigian and Icelandic partners
The initiative aims to strengthen the relations between Portugal and Norway and Iceland, and to establish a long lasting and sustainable cooperation in the research areas of defence and security.
AquaCell – intestinal CELL lines for AQUAculture Fish
The project AquaCell aims to develop intestinal cell lines for European seabass and Atlantic salmon, which are two species of high economic value in Europe. These cell lines will allow us to test new products and determine their potential to be included in feeds, reducing the number of fish used in animal experimentation. AquaCell intends to provide an innovative experimentation tool to the scientific community that will contribute to the sustainability of the aquaculture sector.
SG-Model: a cooperation project between the Directorate-General for School Administration and the Norwegian Ministry of Education
The SG-Model initiative is a cooperation project between the Directorate-General for School Administration and the Norwegian Ministry of Education that aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the school governance models in force in the two countries and, from this, to draw lessons that can lead to its improvement.
North and South entanglements on (Un)doing Artisitc research?
The kick off of the ARCtic South project will join artisits, educators and researchers from FBAUL and KHIO to think about artistic research.
e-Bug PT Project aims to increase literacy on the prevention of infections and the good use of antibiotics
The pilot phase of this project will cover ten School Districts, in several regions of the country and diferent levels of education – from elementary school to high school – estimating its dissemination and expansion troughout the territory until 2023.
Dis/Connect promoted an international workshop and presented its first results
People from Portugal and Norway bear striking similarities when disconnecting from digital media.
CLEANBIZ Online Conference raised awareness of the relevance of combating corruption in international trade
The event, aimed at companies and professionals with links to the sector, aimed to raise awareness of the relevance of adopting anti-bribery practices in international trade.
EURO-ATLANTIC promotes “Small states and big powers: Portugal and Iceland's foreign relations” seminar
On October 28 and 29, 2021, the seminar “Small states and big powers: Portugal and Iceland's foreign relations” was held at the Portuguese National Defense Institute.
Development of nursing information in Iceland and Norway electronic health records
The most recent project of the Nursing School of Porto, the NIS ISL & NOR - Enhancing Nursing Information in Electronic Health Records in Iceland and Norway, is already under development.
Blue Bio Roadshow kicks off with a visit to Norwa
Meet the five Portuguese start-ups participating in the Tech Tour Ocean 2021
Mapping out: an cutting-edge initiative looking at movements anti-migrant in Portugal
Sponsored by the Bilateral relations fund, Cies-Iscte joins Prio ground-breaking project to investigate the spread of mobilization against migrants in Europe.
Fishnet researches global changes in fish
FishNet aims at establishing a solid network in the research field of global change impacts on fish, through the promotion of the discussion and the exchange of expertise on anthropogenic related stressors, focusing on noise and temperature increase and how they affect fish.
Iniciative EFFICACY study of thermal insulation solutions
Did you know that facades and roofs have a significant impact on thermal exchanges with the exterior, directly affecting the energy consumption of the building and associated costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and the well-being of occupants?
Dis/Connect: how individuals use digital technologies – and disconnect from them?
How do people connect – and disconnect – from digital media, especially after a pandemic that imposed long lockdowns and social connection maintained at a distance through digital? This is what the Dis/Connect initiative seeks to investigate, since February 2021.
Adaptchange Initiative studies adaptation mechanisms to environmental changes
One of the curiosities of the initiative is the study of a target species that lives in Iceland: the marine snails of the genus Littorina.
4Children project joins Portugal and Iceland and the Barnahus model
The main goal is to contribute to the protection of children and young victims, through the development of an integrated and specialized intervention in sexual abuse, avoiding the dispersion of responses and the multiplication of interviews with children.
Future Planning: from environmental discourse to practice
The aims of Future Planning project aims is to involve local educators and policy makers ,promoting the debate on good and effective management of the territory, encouraging decision-making, in order to reduce the gap between environmental discourse and its translation into actions.
40th edition of the NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival takes place from 29 September to 2 October
The Festival will include around 24 films from different parts of the world and the first-hand presentation of the film "Christmas Dinner", which follows the codfish from the Norwegian sea to the dinner table in Portugal. This film is the result of a partnership between Portuguese and Norwegian directors.
Fund for Bilateral Relations: Portugal & Norway – Partnerships for Innovation - FBR Open Call #2
The FBR Open Call #2 starts today with a total allocation of €200.000
MicroAtlântico: an initiative to monitor marine litter and microplastics
2020 was the year of sampling on board the Portuguese ships Sagres and Almirante Gago Coutinho. In 2021, the MicroAtlântico initiative is dedicated to the analysis of approximately 200 samples collected in part of the Atlantic Ocean.
COOPERATIVE! A bilateral initiative not to be missed!
The study of Human Factors, applied to Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Vehicles is the starting point for the bilateral initiative between Portugal and Norway of the Bilateral Relations Fund.
hiWOOL: an initiative between Portugal and Norway to study the wool culture
The start of the project was celebrated with the Shearing Day, at Quinta da Fonte Santa, in Caneças-Portugal, on which 150 sheep of the Bordaleira Serra da Estrela breed, belonging to shepherd Virgílio Ricardo were shorn.
How can climate change impact the health of our bridges?
In March took place the kickoff meeting of the ClimaBridge Project – Impact of climate change on the structural health of bridges.
Geodynamics and vibrations due to trains
Geodynamics in the context of vibrations induced by rail traffic
Spotted wolffish, the fish species which has been studied between Portugal and Norway
This species shows reproductive constraints in aquaculture conditions which will be the focus on the present study performed in Norway by Portuguese researchers.
Final outcomes of the Bilateral Initiative “Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas”
The Thematic Glossary of Child Protection Systems and of the Promotion of Children’s Rights focused on the hearing of the child in especially vulnerable contexts and the Referential of Good Practices for Enhancing Child Participation in the Promotion of the Rights of the Child is now available.
Bilateral initiative "Novel CARTs"
The main objective of this bilateral cooperation is to characterize and evaluate the efficacy of novel therapeutic antibodies to treat cancer.
STOP AGEING! An innovative training programme for eldery people in care homes
The project ‘STOP AGEING - Counteract Functional Decline Through Velocity-Controlled Strength Training’ funded by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund, is developed by Department of Sport Sciences
Alternative Protein Sources to assist the development of new food products
iBET (Portugal) and Nofima AS (Norway) recently published a book chapter entitled “Alternative Protein Sources” in the book “Food Technology Disruptions” (Elsevier) on alternative protein sources.
PrivacyCoLab intends to propose a new disruptive paradigm based on a privacy agent and a data-sharing model in the IoT domain for the smartphone’s devices.
DIS/CONNECT project kicks off with the aim of researching how individuals use digital technologies – and disconnect from them
This project seeks to advance knowledge about individual strategies to deal with digital technologies
Women Choose Health initiative
This initiative aims to expand cross-cultural knowledge on the current decision-making process concerning treatment options of women who experience anxiety and/or depressive symptoms during pregnancy or the postpartum period.
Building Bridges Project starts, with the aim of strengthen networking and sustainable development
This initiative aims to formalize relations and a closer work between Geoparks that are part of the European network, thus fostering the development and sharing of innovative tools and approaches towards the sustainable development of territories and communities.
DigiKids 0-3: Know the results and recommendations of this initiative
The initiative "DigiKids 0-3: use of devices with screens by children up to 3 years old: The prospects and practices", financed by the Bilateral Relations Fund, ended in December. Find out the results and recommendations of the study carried out in Portugal.
BILLIG: results achieved from this initiative
The Billig initiative was a project which had an impact on a network of researchers that went far beyond the initial teams and that contributed to the areas of Computational Linguistics, Literature, History and Digital Humanities in general
Codfish Architecture in debate
To conclude the exhibition Our Land Is the Sea public program, this session will combine two presentations in a conversation about codfish.
Closing event of the Bilateral Initiative Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas”
The online event takes place on December 16, 2020, from 10h30-13h00.
Corações Com Coroa and Coletivo Zebra are organizing the online talks series "The embracing city"!
This project consists of a series of five livestreaming conversations on the Facebook of Corações Com Coroa, around the importance of Walking, in a city that should embrace us.
Codfish Architecture
Funded by EEA Grants Portugal through the Bilateral Relations Fund, Centro Cultural de Belém/Garagem Sul organises a debate bridging Portugal’s and Norway’s fishing and built environment cultures
Journalists from Portugal and Norway joined in Évora to discuss climate change
Fourteen journalists from Norway and Portugal gathered at Science Retreats, in Évora, for the week long course Covering Climate Change: a Workshop for Journalists, on February 10-14.
BILLIG project: Bilateral Lusophone Literature Initiative using GIS and Linguistics
BILLIG project (Bilateral Lusophone Literature Initiative using GIS and Linguistics) aims to build an original methodology combining two different approaches, represented by the work developed in NOVA and ILOS.
EXPO-GREEN intends to assess occupational exposure to microbiologic risks of waste management workers.
UAV4SEA bilateral initiative flying above the sea shore
The UAV4SEA initiative, financed by EEA Grants, has as its main objective to strengthen the relationship between Portuguese and Norwegian scientists in the field of remote sensing for mapping coastal biological communities.
Project on novel plant-based snacks funded by EEA Grants
These novel plant-based snacks may play an important role to a healthy vegetarian diet.
Marine Lexicon initiative in the Ocean's Past Virtual Meeting
Marine Lexicon Initiative (funded by the Bilateral Relations Fund of the EEA Grants and CHAM – Centre for the Humanities) will present the first bilateral works for the construction of an open access marine lexicon.
Opera4all brings representatives from Bergen National Opera to Portugal
Two representatives from Bergen National Opera visited Curso de Música Silva Monteiro
Bilateral Initiative “Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas”
The second thematic workshop of the bilateral Initiative “Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas” was held in Lisbon, on November 25 and 26, 2019.
Artificial Realities: Virtual as an aesthetic medium in architectural ideation
In October 2019 the public event associated with the initiative “Artificial Realities" took place in the scope of Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2019.
Launch event of the Initiative “Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas”
The Initiative, which is totally financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the EEA Grants, involves Portugal and Norway.
Plus 400.000 euros available to strengthen the bilateral relations
The Joint Committee for the Bilateral Funds decided to increase the funding amount of the Fund for Bilateral Relations open call #1 by 400.000 euros, for a total of 600.000 euros.
FBR Open Call #1
The FBR Open Call #1 starts today with a total allocation of €200.000.
Launch of the Fund for Bilateral Relations
The Fund for Bilateral Relations aims to strengthen the bilateral relations between Portugal and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This Fund was publicly presented on December 14th in Lisbon.
3rd Meeting of the Joint Committee for Bilateral Funds
The Mar Portugal vessel, a project funded by the EEA Grants, was the site chosen for the third meeting of the Joint Committee for Bilateral Funds.
Norwegian and Icelandic companies business mission in Portugal
A Norwegian and Icelandic companies business mission in Portugal was held from the 14th to the 15th of November.