On the 30th, a conference will take place at the Porto Regional Center of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa to present this comparative study carried out by Norwegian and Portuguese researchers in relation to the legal framework given to combating domestic violence by the two legal systems, as well as the communication of the preliminary conclusions resulting of this same study. A second conference will take place in March, this time in Bergen, Norway, where the final conclusions and suggestions for improvements to be considered at a legislative and political level will be presented, to better intervene in this very serious social problem.
The speakers at this conference will be: Elisabete Ferreira, Pedro Freitas, Sandra Tavares and Mariana Vilasboas, from the Portuguese Catholic University, and Jørn Jacobsen, John Reidar Nielsen and Ingrid Løining Ørum, from the University of Bergen.
Participation is free, but subject to prior registration by November 27th. For this purpose, click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/g51tZCipP0
Project Hymenaeus proposed to develop a comparative study of the existing legislation in Portugal and Norway, in the field of domestic violence, with the aim of improving the legal response, especially criminal, to this serious social problem, both in Portugal as in Norway, ultimately proposing legislative and public policy changes to the competent authorities.
A second aspect of this project aims to improve access to the law, for victims of domestic violence, by raising awareness among entities and professionals who work with these victims, of the need to simplify the language, so that the meaning of technical-legal terms can be effectively apprehended by victims, allowing them to fully exercise their rights, during a criminal proceeding for domestic violence.
Project Hymenaeus is developed by the Faculty of Law – Escola do Porto – of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen. It is coordinated by Professor Elisabete Ferreira. The team of researchers is constituted by Professor Pedro Freitas, Professor Sandra Tavares and Dr. Mariana Vilas Boas, all members of CEID (Católica Research Center for the Future of Law), and Professor Jorn Jacobsen, from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.
Through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are internal market partners with the Member States of the European Union. As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced reinforcement of economic and commercial relations, the parties to the EEA Agreement established a multi-annual Financial Mechanism, known as EEA Grants. The EEA Grants aim to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and strengthen bilateral relations between these three countries and the beneficiary countries. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of 2.8 billion euros was agreed for 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from a budget of 102.7 million euros.