The Collaborative Initiative for Skin Research, an initiative funded by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund, promoted, on 7-9 June, at the University of Tromsø (UiT) The Arctic University of Norway, a Workshop on "Advances in Skin Therapy Research" for PhD students and researchers, both Portuguese and international.
The 30 participants from 7 different countries had the opportunity to attend lectures on the evolution of skin models, technologies for the delivery of active compounds to the skin, antimicrobial therapy in skin, as well as skin in health, disease and aging.
Besides the opportunity to discuss the first results of CoSki and the strategy of the ongoing research project, this was the first face-to-face contact between the team members, contributing to the creation of a team spirit and several synergies, thus reinforcing the cooperation between the members of the University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway and REQUIMTE, University of Porto.