The event is organised jointly with Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon, Invest Madeira and the Madeira Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in line with what is foreseen for Madeira in Portugal's Recovery and Resilience Plan, including:
- integration of renewable energy sources;
- development of intelligent networks;
- energy efficiency in all sectors;
- energy storage and batteries;
- electric mobility and charging systems for intelligent electric vehicles.
This meeting aims to create business cooperation in the field of renewable energy between Norway and Portugal and to enable networking between the various interlocutors.
The results are expected to be the business cooperation in green solutions, the establishment of partnerships, cooperation and networks and the knowledge of the capacities, potential and cooperation priorities in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The morning session will be dedicated to the presentation of the energy situation in Madeira, the next investment plans, including the Recovery and Resilience Plan / Portugal 2030 in Madeira, the schedule of investments and the potential for cooperation with Norwegian companies.
Registrations are open for Madeira companies operating in these areas and wishing to explore partnership opportunities with Norwegian companies and clusters.
Register at