As part of the Fund for Bilateral Relations, the Municipality of Aveiro promoted the bilateral initiative Tomorrow’s Everydayness in Atlantic Gastronomy, in partnership with Bodø2024 IKS from Norway.
The initiative aimed to establish networking activities between food producers and gastronomic event communities. The project's main objectives included strengthening the connection between gastronomic and cultural experiences, enhancing creative tourism opportunities for both local and international audiences, creating new perspectives, and developing the skills of local producers and gastronomic event organizers.
The Atlantic Ocean serves as a common link between the city of Aveiro and the city of Bodø, along with the shared history of long-distance cod fishing and culinary traditions. In this context, and under the premise of bilateral cooperation to enhance local dining traditions while addressing the challenges of sustainable food promotion amid climate change and market globalization, the Tomorrow’s Everydayness in Atlantic Gastronomy project was born.
The following key outcomes were achieved to celebrate the flavors and knowledge of Atlantic gastronomy, as represented by the cities of Aveiro and Nordland:
- A visit to both Portugal and Norway to exchange experiences in hosting cultural and gastronomic events;
- Creation of the Atlantic Tastes Menu by Aveiro’s Chef Luis Lavrador and Norwegian Chef Per Theodor Tørrissen. The cooking process was recorded on video, and the menu was presented and tasted at a matchmaking event with producers, tourism agents, and future culinary and hospitality professionals, held in November 2024 in the city of Aveiro. The cooking, showcooking, and tasting sessions also featured collaboration with students from the Aveiro School of Professional Training in Tourism;
- Development of a digital tool to promote the gastronomy of both Atlantic tourist regions (Aveiro and Nordland), designed for tourism professionals who can access diverse information on gastronomy, culture, history, and heritage. This enables them, as ambassadors of Atlantic gastronomy, to incorporate these elements into their programs and guided tours. The tool also includes a directory of local restaurants and producers accessible to the general public, as well as access to the Atlantic Tastes e-cookbook, which features flavors, dishes, and traditions from Aveiro and Norway in a digital recipe collection.