After ten days traveling through Iceland, the team from Público responsible for the project “Portugal and Iceland: united by biodiversity” returned home, with all the information needed to tell their readers who these six scientists are and what kind of work they are developing with the Icelandic partners of this initiative, in the area of biodiversity and climate change.
During seven consecutive weeks, the newspaper published, on its print and online editions, stories dedicated to the project. Besides texts and photographies, on the online edition there are also available videos dedicated to each one of the investigators who participated on this project: José Alves, Teresa Silva, Pedro Rodrigues, Filipa Samarra, Camilo Carneiro and Joana Micael.
On the day the last story was published, it was also created a landing page on the section Azul of the newspaper, where all the works of this project can be found. You can find it here.
This project allowed us to publicize the bilateral relations between Portugal and Iceland in themes so essential to the world as biodiversity and climate change are.
The Portuguese investigators working with different Icelandic scientific institutions, partners of this project, are developing projects on themes related with birds, whales, non-indigenous species, zooplankton or the protection of unique landscapes. Their examples may serve as incentive to students and other investigators who may continue this cooperation between the two countries.
This project developed by Público was only possible thanks to the financing of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through EEA Grants.