Call #5 - Education
This Open Call aims to finance projects to improve skills and competences in marine and maritime themes through education and training.
The call remains open until to 12:00:00 GMT 11-12-2020
The main objective of this Call is to improve skills and competences in marine and maritime themes through education and training. This ranges from elementary school to university level and also includes professional degrees. It will support new courses in maritime affairs, professional internship programmes for SMEs, multidisciplinary postgraduate programmes, summer schools, intensive programmes, training courses, mobility of students/trainees, teachers exchange and scholarships.
Eligible project promoters: Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as legal persons in Portugal are considered eligible project promoters.
Natural persons are not eligible.
Eligible project partners: Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmental organizations established as a legal person either in the donor states or in Portugal, as well as VET-institutions in Switzerland, with a specific cooperation agreement with Liechtenstein, and Swiss universities regarding students of Liechtenstein nationality.
Avilable Fund: 1.550.000 €
Maximum Grant Amount for each project: 250.000€
Minimum Grant Amount for each project: 200.000€
Grant Rates: The maximum funding rate can go up to 90% of total eligible project costs.
Types of Projects: The typology of projects eligible for funding under this Call are the following:
- new courses in maritime affairs
- professional internship programmes for SMEs
- multidisciplinary postgraduate programmes
- summer schools
- intensive programmes
- training courses
- students/trainees, teachers and lecturers exchange and scholarships (For Portuguese promoters) (For Norwegian partners)
Approved Projects (with contract signed)
Call Documents
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