SGS #2 - Development of Business and Management Skills – Training on Job
This Open Call aims to finance initiatives to promote blue economy competitiveness through educational training on job for business and management skills.
Development of business and management skills – training on job – SGS #2
This Open Call aims to finance initiatives to promote blue economy competitiveness through educational training on job for business and management skills.
The call remains open until to 12:00:00 Portugal Continental 30-11-2021
The main objective of this Call is to finance initiatives that promote blue economy competitiveness, through educational training on job for business and management skills, including but not exclusively, for enterprises with previously approved projects to develop business under the Blue Growth Programme.
Eligible promoters: SMEs and non- profit organisations, established as a legal person in Portugal are considered eligible project promoters.
Natural persons are not eligible.
Each promoter may submit two applications only.
Eligible partners: Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmental organisations established as a legal person either in the Donor States or Portugal, actively involved in, and effectively contributing to, the implementation of a project, are considered eligible project partners (in accordance with article 7.2.2 of the EEA Grants 2014-2021 Regulation).
Each partner may participate in two applications only.
Available Fund: 1.000.000 €
Maximum Grant Amount for each project: 75.000€
Minimum Grant Amount for each project: 25.000€
Grant Rates: The funding rate will not exceed 90% of total eligible project costs.
The following types of projects can be financed:
- Educational training on job for business and management skills improvement (training, coaching, mentoring etc.);
- Professional internship programmes for SMEs;
- Training courses;
- Training in new technologies that represent an innovative factor for the business development;
- Executive training in leadership and management, team development and collaboration skills;
- Open innovation training;
- Training in Intellectual property and IPR management;
- Tech transfer and collaborative research skills;
- Female capacity building programmes, with core competencies in business management, team leadership, project management, communication skills etc.
Projects to be supported need to be designed with a focus on management and industrial skills that are one of the main Portuguese SME needs today but also with a view to prepare them to grow. The projects may also include, or be devoted to, technical, management, communication, legal or any other relevant skills identified by large companies operating in the blue economy as a need.
The Blue Growth Programme also has a bilateral objective, to enhance cooperation between Portuguese entities and entities from the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).
Know more about EEA Grants.
Approved Projects (with contract signed)