Support for Education Initiatives - Ocean Literacy – SGS #3
This Open Call aims to finance initiatives for ocean literacy component, including awareness of marine litter thematic and nautical sports not included in curriculum.
The call remains open until to 12:00:00 GMT 28-02-2020
The main objective of this small grant scheme Call is to finance ocean literacy including awareness of marine litter thematic and nautical sports not included in curriculum. It will be open to wider society through the promotion of awareness raising campaigns/activities for ocean main problematics.
Eligible promoters: Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as a legal person in Portugal are considered eligible project promoters.
Each promoter may submit one application only.
Eligible partners: Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmental organisations established as a legal person either in the Donor States, Beneficiary States, or any international organisation or body or agency thereof, actively involved in, and effectively contributing to, the implementation of a project, are considered eligible project partners (in accordance with article 7.2.2 of the EEA Grants 2014-2021 Regulation).
Natural persons who are legal residents of the Donor States or of the respective Beneficiary State are eligible project promoters and eligible project partners under the programme areas “Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship” and scholarship (in accordance with article 7.2.3 of the EEA Grants 2014-2021 Regulation).
Avilable Fund: 150.000 €
Maximum Grant Amount for each project: 25.000€
Minimum Grant Amount for each project: 10.000€
Grant Rates: The funding rate could be between 70% - 100% of total eligible project costs.
The projects supported by this call will contribute to increase ocean literacy levels in schools and for the society at large. The projects will contribute to the Programme’s result on Education, Training and cooperation in marine and maritime issues enhanced.
The types of projects eligible for funding under this Call are the following:
Type 1: Raising awareness for marine and maritime issues (ocean literacy initiatives), within or in partnership with elementary and/or secondary schools (“Blue Shools ”). One of the activities proposed can include nautical skills improvement, in conjunction with other ocean literacy actions.
Type 2: Guarantee conditions and promote nautical sports in school ambience, but not included in the curriculum at present, also allowing for opportunities to buy some essential material to support the projects.
Type 3: Promotion of blue growth ocean literacy awareness raising campaigns for society.
The Blue Growth Programme also has a bilateral objective, to enhance cooperation between Portuguese entities and entities from the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).
Know more about EEA Grants.
Approved Projects (with contract signed)