The National Agency for Innovation (ANI) promoted on May 4th, via Zoom platform, an Infoday dedicated to the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism (2021 - 2021), focusing on the Blue Growth Programme and its open calls. The organization also had the collaboration of the Norte Portugal Regional Coordination and Development (CCDRN) and the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN).
This event was part of a set of transnational initiatives organized under the IMPACT_RI3ST project (Interreg Spain - Portugal) which aims to support the implementation of a smart cross-border specialization strategy, to empower local entities and project stakeholders to create synergies in the North-Galicia Euroregion of Portugal.
The session began with a presentation of the Blue Growth Programme by Sandra Silva from the Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM) and the open calls:
- 2nd Call #3 - Resource Efficiency of Enterprises in Marine Sector Supported, is open until 31 May 2021.
- 2nd SGS #1 - Initiatives for business growth in Startups Supported, is open until 31 May 2021.
- Call#2 - Business Development, Innovation and SMEs, is open until 30 June 2021.
Then, two projects, financed by the EEA Grants under the Blue Growth Programme that applied at Call#1 – Business Development, Innovation and SMEs, and currently in the implementation phase, were presented. Their innovative component as well as their contribution to environmental sustainability was highlighted:
The BluePaint project, introduced by Patrick Freire from Biomimetx, that aims to develop an effective, non-toxic and ecological anti-fouling marine paint for aquaculture networks; and
The PrecisAqua project, introduced by Tiago Cristovão from Undersee, that aims to develop a new service model that allows aquaculture producers to monitor and predict changes in water quality without dealing with sensor maintenance.
The final part of the event was dedicated to clarifying some doubts about the Programme and the open calls. A new Q&A session will happen on the next 13th of May. The registrations are already opened.
Watch the video of the session.