The Ministry of Sea organized the Ocean Business 2018, an international event of blue economy with the aim to foster debate, partnerships and networking related to the Sea Economy and the Blue Growth.
The Ocean Business 2018 was held at the Gare Marítima de Alcântara, in Lisbon, from 18th to 20th of September. Has the technical coordination of Directorate-General for Maritime Policy (DGPM), in partnership with Fórum Oceano – Sea Economy Association.
Considering a sharing and cooperation scenario, this event intends to give an enlarged vision on the blue growth and sustainability, mobilizing stakeholders, governmental entities, universities, scientific community and business sector.
The Ocean Business 2018 includes debates, one B2B area to business meetings, and an exhibition area dedicated to the all contributing to the Economy and Blue Growth: enterprises, start-ups, innovations centers, universities, NGO’s and public entities.
DGPM was present at this exhibition area as the PT Programme Operator “Blue Growth, Innovation and SMEs”, and the EEA Grants National Focal Point that disseminated the diverse Programme, highlighting the Programme of “Blue Growth” to the Sea related area.
It´s a EEA Grants financed Program, the Donor Countries are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The EEA Grants financing is 38 million Euros, in a total amount of 44,7 million Euros.
Highlighting that the Programme related to Blue Growth, innovation and blue economy development, is essentially based on marine and costal ecosystems advocacy, through sustainable use of natural resources and supporting human capital.
This program has the main objective to support small and medium enterprises, and support research, science and technology, the education promotion and professional training and the Sea as the sustainable development core.
Were also in focus traditional activities such as fisheries, aquiculture, tourism and leisure and also emergent areas on Ocean sustainable development as oceanic engineering, maritime digitalization, oceanic robotics, monitoring and environmental protection, maritime safety and green shipping.
Have also been made Pitches Sessions with participation of Ms. Susana Ramos, National Focal Point Coordinator that have presented on a generic way the EEA Grants in Portugal, that have been followed by intervention of Ms. Sandra Silva, Head of Services of Programming of DGPM that presented the EEA Grants 2014-2021 Programme “Blue Growth, Innovation and SMEs” (See Presentation) and, at the end, have took place the intervention of Ms. Susana Escária, Director of Services of Foresight and Planning of the Secretary-General of Environment, about the Environment Programme (EEA Grants) (See Presentation).
The Ocean Business 2018 have taken place simultaneously with other three Blue Economy major events in Lisbon, in what have been a truly maritime week at the Portuguese Capital:
- Portugal Shipping Week 2018, from 17th to 19th September, also at the Gare Marítima de Alcântara;
- Sea Trade Med 2018, from 19th to 20th September, at the International Fair of Lisbon;
- Oceans Meeting 2018, from 20th to 21st September, at the Gare Marítima de Alcântara and the Gare Marítima da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos.
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