The “Atlantic Observatory - Data and Monitoring Infrastructure”, is a pre-defined project of the “Blue Growth” Programme of the EEA Grants 2014-2021, which provides the creation of an infrastructure for the acquisition, aggregation and dissemination of oceanographic data that supports research and monitoring of the Atlantic Ocean, in a logic of sustainable management of marine resources.
This is a pre-defined project of the Blue Growth Programme managed by the Directorate-General for Maritime Policy and promoted by the Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere, a government entity that promotes and coordinates scientific research, technological development, innovation and the provision of services in the field of the sea and the atmosphere. The Project has a relevant partnership with national entities, including the Regional Fund for Science and Technology, which aims to promote R & D + I in the Scientific and Technological System of the Azores, ARDITI, an agency that promotes support for research and development in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the Madeira Ocean Observatory, a partner who’s mission is to create a common platform for permanent ocean monitoring.
The “Atlantic Observatory - Data and Monitoring Infrastructure” project also has the partnership of recognized international entities from the Donor States, in the area of science and technology, such as, the Institute for Marine Research, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the University of Bergen of Norway and Iceland's Marine & Freshwater Research Institute, which will join forces to make this project a success!