The Directorate-General for Maritime Policy (DGPM), as Blue Growth Programme operator of the EEA Grants 2014-2021, was present (online) at the Workshop in Bergen, under the theme "Effects of dissolved oxygen on salmon farming", in the scope of the NoviFEED Project, funded by Call #2 - Business Development, Innovation and SMEs.
The Programming Services Director, Sandra Silva, Coordinator of the EEA Grants Blue Growth Programme 2014-2021, was invited by the Promoter Sparos to attend the Opening Session and highlighted the importance of the NoviFEED Project, in strengthening the cooperation between Portuguese entities and entities of the Donor Countries in order to increase the competitiveness, sustainability and value creation of Portuguese companies in the technological field.
Sandra Silva referred that NoviFEED Project is aligned with the EEA Grants objectives and with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, regarding SDG 14: Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
The NoviFEED Project is also aligned with the Strategic Goals 4 and 7 of the National Ocean Strategy 2021-2030 (NOS2021-2030), regarding Food Security and Sustainability, as well as Scientific Knowledge, Technological Development and Blue Innovation. In a more concrete way, the Priority Intervention Area 5 dedicated to Fisheries, Aquaculture, Processing, Commerce and the Priority Intervention Area 6 aimed at Robotic and Digital Technologies.
This Workshop allowed the discussion on the impact of dissolved oxygen and other environmental factors on fish behaviour, nutritional requirements and feed formulation, as well as the importance of measuring oxygen and other variables for production management.
This is an excellent opportunity for the NoviFEED Project Promoter and Partners to network with companies and clusters from Donor Countries operating in the aquaculture industry and to promote future partnerships.
DGPM wishes success to the NoviFEED Project, for a greener, more competitive and inclusive Europe.
Learn more about the NoviFEED Project