Considering Blue Growth Programme open calls in the area of the Bussiness Development, Innovation and SMEs, the Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM) will organize a Webinar & Matchmaking, in collaboration with the donor states of Norway and Iceland, respectively, Innovation Norway and Rannís. Also participating, the Portuguese Business Association and Business Iceland, institutions of the Enterprise Europe Network, with strong connections with the entrepreneurial sector of their countries.
The objectives of this event are to present the Blue Growth Programme, to promote bilateral partnerships and to identify cooperation opportunities between companies in Portugal and potential partners in Norway and Iceland, operating in the Blue Economy sector, for project applications to the open calls:
- Call #3 - Resource Efficiency of Enterprises in Marine Sector Supported, is open until 31 May 2021.
- SGS #1 - Initiatives for business growth in Startups Supported, is open until 31 May 2021.
- Call#2 - Business Development, Innovation and SMEs, is open until 30 June 2021.
Opening session
10.00 Helena Vieira, Director-General for Maritime Policy (DGPM)
10.10 Susana Ramos, Head of National Focal Point, Portugal
10.20 Paulo Vaz, Administrator of Portuguese Business Association (AEP)
10.30 Tove Bruvik Westberg, Ambassador of Norway
Blue Grow Programme Presentation
10.45 Sandra Silva, Head of Programme Operator, DGPM
11.00 Magnar Ødelien, Innovation Norway
11.15 Thor Sigfusson, Founder and Chairman of Iceland Ocean Cluster
Promotors Presentation
11.30 Filipe Vilas-Boas, Co-founder of Sea4Us presenting Bluebiotech4Pain
11.35 Helena Abreu, Managing Director of AlgaPlus presenting SølKelp
11.40 João Correia, Co-founder of Flying Sharks presenting Mobile Station