Blue Alternative
Blue Alternative

Promoter: Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alto Minho
Partners:Agrupamento de Escolas de Santa Maria Maior
EEA Grants: 21.099,00€
Total Amount: 24.822,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0044
The project Blue Alternative aims to bring the blue school closer to Alto Minho local communities and the sea sector by promoting non-formal education activities in schools, such as artistic actions and actions that favour interaction between students and the blue economy. In addition, it intends to encourage blue entrepreneurship and promote awareness among students of blue careers, through interaction between students and the professional path in the nautical and maritime areas.
Project activities include:
- Planning, development and production of various artistic works to raise awareness of the marine environment and Ocean literacy (videogram, sculptures and sound composition) by basic education students, with support from various entities such as artists, cultural associations or audiovisual producers.
- Carrying out professional experiences with companies in the maritime and nautical sector by secondary school students, with the support of various entities such as fishermen's associations, nautical clubs or companies, maritime-tourist operators or shipyards.
- Organization of a final dissemination and awareness-raising conference aimed at society in general.