Blue Project
Blue Project

Promoter: Guimarpeixe - Comércio de Produtos Alimentares, S.A.
Partners:TINTEX Textiles, S.A.
Universidade do Minho
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Município de Esposende
Associação Empresarial de Portugal
VISUAL THINKING - Digital Organization, Lda
EEA Grants: 549.962,00€
Total Amount: 647.014,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0105
The Blue Project, funded under the Blue Growth Programme, was born with the purpose of taking advantage of the Marine Resources available on the North Atlantic Coast of Portugal to increase value creation, the sustainable growth of the blue economy, scientific research, and literacy in Blue Economy.
The Blue Project intents to create a fresh fish processing unit for the commercialization of the 'Sarrajão' fillets in school canteens, to collaborate with R&D entities and use fish leftovers to create textile materials (from the skin) and other food products (from the remaining leftovers) and to help municipalities to implement ocean literacy strategies.
The main beneficiaries of this project are schools, municipalities, citizens, and entities with activities related to this thematic area.
It is intended that the Blue Project can be replicated not only at a local level, but also at a regional, national, and international level.