
The Culture Programme aims to strengthen cultural cooperation in Portugal, namely by supporting projects that promote social and economic development through cultural cooperation, entrepreneurship and heritage management.


To accomplish this objective, the Programme focus on two main areas:


In the area of Cultural Heritage:

  • Call #1 supports projects to safeguard and revitalise Coastal Cultural Heritage that has been classified or is in the process of being classified, which boost the sustainable development of local communities and contribute to strengthening their memory and identity.
  • Pre-Defined Project 1 - Water World develops a new approach through the safeguarding, protection, conservation, monitoring and dissemination of Nautical and Underwater Archaeological Heritage.
  • Pre-Defined Project 2 - FILMar promotes the digitisation, dissemination and promotion of Portuguese and Norwegian Cinematographic Cultural Heritage with a strong connection to the sea.


In area of Arts:

  • Call#2 supports Artistic Programming projects that strengthen the artistic offer, access and participation in the arts in low-density areas of mainland Portugal and the autonomous regions. The projects are multidisciplinary in nature, covering the visual arts, the performing arts and cross-disciplinary programmes.



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