Name of legal entity: ESSENTIA
Country: Portugal
City: Lisboa
Description Summary of the Project
Type of Organization
Consulting company for the areas of urban rehabilitation, sustainable tourism, as well as the development of culture and leisure networks with social impact.
Project Idea
CICLA - Center for Innovation and creativity of the Alentejo coast - will combat the depopulation of the alentejo through experiencing, questioning and empowering artists, scientists and entrepreneurs, as privileged builders of the identity and future of this region.
The human creativity associated with the isolation and presence of nature, coast and the sea in all its dimensions, suggest a plunge into the ocean of imagination, materializing the catalyst of an ecosystem that is urgently needed to revitalize.
This catalytic function is associated with the enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the region through a careful rehabilitation process and the installation of an interpretation center, including a reception area that will add services of a tourist nature.
We will use a new model of economic resilience based on social commitment, strategic community investment, endogenous resources and inclusive local economies.
This model focuses on interdisciplinary residences of social innovation and sea-based technology startups and will be enabled by startup retreats; tourist accommodation (summer); events; a store; a restaurant.