Name of legal entity: Junta de Freguesia de Ferrel/ Ferrel Parish Council
Country: Portugal
City: Ferrel
Description Summary of the Project
Type of Organization
The parish of Ferrel located in the municipality of Peniche, is composed by the towns of Ferrel and Baleal. With 8 km of beaches ideal for nautical sports, and its inviting leisure areas and tranquility, the range of tourism offers. Recognized for its environmental struggle, it becomes the Capital of the Fight against Nuclear, being praised in the Assembly of the Republic for such a feat.
Rich in heritage and culture, with active partnerships in the field of culture, and environment.
Project Idea
The project focuses on the area of coastal cultural heritage, specifically the territory of Baleal and its Pombas Island. Assuming the appreciation and identification of heritage traces as diverse as the structures of the Napoleonic invasions (Fortim do Baleal), 16th century churches (Hermitage of St. Stephen) and the archaeological site of prehistory (Fortim do Baleal 1).
It will be built tourist itineraries of patrimonial and environmental nature, that will serve as a showcase of the diversity of the same coastal cultural heritage of this region, which will include the ethnographic, gastronomic heritage and cultural heritages.
The musealization of the heritage remains and the construction of the raised walkways to safeguard the heritage are objectives of this project in order to revitalize this degraded coastal cultural heritage, giving a new function of Ex libris of the tourist routes, returning to the community a space that has always made part of its cultural heritage.
Intended Partnership
This project needs partners linked to higher education in conservation and restoration areas such as the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, for the musealization of heritage traces, partners related to tourism and cultural management to support the construction of tourist itineraries and dissemination of the project, and partners, from the field of archeology, anthropology and history as the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon in support of interventions in the archaeological and historical heritage.
Therefore, international partners such as L'Instituit Napoleon of Panthéon-Sorbone University will be fundamental to understand the heritage linked to these times. As well as partner with the University of Tromso which was a partner of the Coperian project which aims to introduce the mindset of systemic ecosystem services by mapping all these values along the coast and placing them into different service categories, which in a pioneer can be combined with the coastal heritage.