Name of legal entity: Hardanger og Voss museum
Country: Norway
City: Utne
Description Summary of the Project
Type of Organization
Hardanger og Voss museum (HVM) is a regional museum with 6 branches. Its main goal is to become an important participant in the region, exerting positive influences through cultural activity.
The Hardanger Maritime Center (HMC) is a large portion of this museum. Using Norway’s maritime cultural heritage as a foundation, HMC has a diverse operational structure, which includes: running a museum (marketing, documentation, research), running maritime workplaces (boatyard, ropewalk, smithy), running various vessels and “camp” schools aboard them, and running a youth project. Approximately 50 people work at HMC at any given time.
Project and Partnership contribution
We know that Portugal has interesting boatbuilding traditions. It is important to take care of these traditions. Taking care of boatbuilding and other maritime traditions is what we work within our museum, and we think it could be interesting to cooperate with people from Portugal about such work.
Since we in our museum in Hardanger for many years have been, taking care of the local boatbuilding tradition in our region we think it could be interesting to work with people engaged in the boatbuilding and use of boats in Portugal.
It would be interesting to make a project were we among other things work together in workshops, some here in Norway and some in Portugal on different teems connected to the project. And in that work try to find good solutions for the important work it is to take care of and develop the use and knowledge about the boatbuilding traditions.
Since we have built up a maritime center for work with boatbuilding traditions, we also can help as consultants if one would like to do something similar in Portugal.
Relevance of potential Partner
We would like to work with a museum or maritime center who is interested in taking care of maritime traditions. We think it is important not only to take care of the boats, but also to take care of knowledge connected to the use of boats and the knowledge connected to the maritime crafts (boatbuilding’s, rope making, blacksmith work).