Narviksenteret, Norway

Pitching: Narviksenteret, Norway

Name of legal entity: Narviksenteret/Narvik War and Peace Centre

Country: Norway

City: Narvik

Website: /

Description Summary of the Project

Type of Organization

The Narvik War and Peace Centre is a non-profit foundation that researches, documents and disseminates on issues related to war and conflict. Our story starts with the German attack on Narvik in 1940, the battle of Narvik and the occupation that followed. However, we also work with issues not related to the Second World War. We run the Narvik War Museum, with a yearly 31.000 visitors. Our main target group are pupils and teachers and we visit schools throughout the entire northern region of Norway.

Project and Partnsership contribution

One of the main drivers of conflicts has always been resources, while at the same time trading these resources have brought peace and prosperity at other times. Also, familiar to both Portugal and Norway, the coast itself becomes a strategic asset at times of war, with consequences to the local population. We are looking for (a) partner(s) to develop a joint project that can investigate and disseminate how the coast and the coastal resources can be the source of both peace and conflict in Portugal and Norway and which consequences this has inflicted on the local population and the society at large. This will help the local population and visitors raise awareness of the local cultural heritage, thus enabling them to appreciate their local cultural heritage and build strong communities.

The exact output will have to be decided upon jointly, but it can for example be educational programmes, digital material or exhibition material.

Intended Partnership

We are looking for a museum or similar organization used to working with exhibitions and educational programmes towards schools and the general public. The subject can be approached from different angles, e.g. focusing primarily on the resources or focusing on the people. Therefore it can be suitable for many different partners.