Stiftelsen Engøyholmen Kystkultursenter, Norway

Pitching: Stiftelsen Engøyholmen Kystkultursenter, Norway

Name of legal entity: Stiftelsen Engøyholmen Kystkultursenter

Country: Norway

City: Stavanger


Description Summary of the Project

Type of Organization

The mission statement of the foundation is:

  • Restore and preserve the foundation's property: buildings, equipment, boats and vessels, as listed heritage of high class and as important elements in one of the few authentic maritime environments in Stavanger.
  • Give Engøyholmen an active and outward use as a coastal culture center for the city of Stavanger and the region of Rogaland.
  • To document, conserve and promote understanding and act as an agent for the maritime cultural tradition in general in our district. This includes buildings and facilities on land, ships, boats, equipment and objects as well as intangible assets and traditional crafts belonging to the coast and the maritime culture.
  • Let Engøyholmen be a venue for many uses and age groups, where the special environment and the many objects and tasks of coastal culture will unite and activate.
  • Provide the coastal culture center with a socially oriented and social pedagogic profile, preventive and rehabilitative work with children and young people are central.
  • Let work show a high professional standard, be sustainable and ethically sound.

Project and Partnership contribution

We can offer experience in culture based sustainable business development and the integration of maritime cultural heritage in social pedagogic /educational rehabilitation work.

We would like to gain international experience in our field of work, both as physical traditional crafts and intangible assets as well as a network for exchange of experiences.

Intended Partnership

We are looking for a partner who uses culture heritage work as a platform for community work. A partner who wants to use practical  preservation and restoring work, as well as use of traditional crafts in building new traditional houses and boats, in education and restorative social work.