Name of legal entity: The Foundation Bratteklev Shipyard
Country: Norway
City: Arendal
Description Summary of the Project
Type of Organization
I have started a regional network in the South of Norway with emphasis on coastal heritage, maritime history and vessel conservation. In addition my daily work is as a leader of Bratteklev Shipyard, the best conserved wooden shipyard in Skagerrak. I am sure many of the challenges and opportunities that we experience is common in Europe, and only by working together and networking can we appreciate common ground. Bratteklev Shipyard is strategical placed close to Arendal and easy to get to by sea and air, we can offer the different organisations to organize a similar meeting here together with the Norwegian heritage administration.
Project and Partnership contribution
The foundation I work in together with the city administration and the county supports the shipyard with funds to be able to work all year round. In addition the cultural heritage administration in Norway supports projects linked to restoration of buildings at the shipyard. The local museums and archives contributes with issues concerning preservation together with archive techniques and systems.
The regional network has so far published a passport to the cultural highlights on the south coast together with papers concerning our main focus areas, coastal heritage, maritime history and vessel conservation. The centralization of the administration of Norway and the general willingness to concentrate important cultural administration and functions puts a massive pressure on the county and the people responsible.
We work within the system to make sure the areas of interest are not forgotten and that people with genuine interest and knowledge are taken into account and heard.
We see that it is a constant struggle to make sure city developments do not swallow prime real estate as docks, shipyards and maintenance facilities for traditional vessel, museums, shipyards, slipways and berths.
I have been sailing around the world for 25 years and I see the same tendencies everywhere, this is a worldwide issue and a very serious one. We need to communicate and cooperate worldwide to make sure this is development is sustainable and in the interest of the nations.
Intended Partnership
I would like to talk to networks and shipyards in the same field of interest as ours, and with similar challenges.
An organization willing to work with us to highlight the similarities and differences, but to make an effort and together have a mutual benefit of the ability to think worldwide as well as local issues.
I would like to work with a free speaking professionals with the ability to think “outside the box”.