Projects may include a combination of activities including the creation, production and circulation of new artistic productions/works, the programming and dissemination of pre-existing productions/works and specific actions to increase audience development, involving local communities and providing an active participation on arts creation and fruition.
Projects may identify activities to develop on at least two of the following artistic areas: architecture, plastic arts, street arts, contemporary circus, cross-disciplinary, dance, design, photography, new media, music and theatre.
The Project promoter shall necessarily be an artistic entity legally based in any municipality of Portugal. Projects should be developed under mandatory partnerships between one or more artistic entities from Portugal, one or more artistic entities from any of the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and one or more municipalities from Portugal
The total amount available for this Call is € 3.273.000 with a maximum grant per project of 400.000 € and a minimum of 250.000 € of the total eligible costs, with a co-financing rate up to 85% for a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 24 months.
The period for submitting applications runs from 5 of September 2019 to 5 of March 2020, 17:00 (Lisbon hour).