On April 8th, at 7pm, the event “A Toast to the Sea” will take place, aimed at fishermen and marine-tourism operators. The initiative, held as part of the “Porto Santo Without Marine Waste” project, aims to raise awareness of the importance of adopting or maintaining good environmental practices and alert to one of the main threats to the preservation of the ecosystem: marine waste.
In this event there will be space for informal sharing of experiences and learning about the impact that marine waste has on the oceans and the life of everyone on the Planet. At the end there will be a toast to the sea, with the purpose of celebrating the fishermen, the importance of their work, and the responsibility that all maritime operators have in the preservation of the oceans.
The inscriptions can be made in the “Porto Santo Naútica” shop, supporter of this initiative. For further information about the event, please contact: projectos@aidglobal.org | 926 418 552.
The “Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho” (Porto Santo Without Marine Waste) project is co-financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants and promoted by Associação Natureza Portugal, in partnership with WWF Portugal, AIDGLOBAL, ARM – Água e Resíduos da Madeira, S.A., the Municipality of Porto Santo and the MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre in Madeira, hosted by ARDITI. It also has the support of WWF Norway and the Secretariat for Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change of the Regional Government of Madeira.