Minimum age: 6 years
Organisation: Biodiversity4All
Description: Walking routes to observe local biodiversity and record species on the Biodiversity4all/iNaturalist digital platform.
9am-11am - Birds
11am-1pm - Plants
1pm-2pm - Coffee break
14h-16h - Insects
16h -17h30 - Amphibians and Reptiles
17h30 - 19h00 - Lichens
7pm - 8pm - Coffee break
20h - 21h30 - Bats
21h30 - 22h30 - Nocturnal butterflies
Maximum number of participants: 40
More information and enrolment: Participation free of charge but subject to registration limit through the Environmental Management Division - Municipality of Oeiras - Tel.: 21 097 7459 |