The Municipality of Loures, through the Environment program of the EEA Grants fund and the project "Renaturadapt - Renaturalizar para Adaptar" will promote the sustainable picnic Renaturadapt.
This picnic will be held near one of the intervening water lines, in the Parque Adão Barata, on June 5 at 15H. On this day, where the world environment day is celebrated, the participants of the picnic will be able to enjoy a complementary activity - "o Fluviário vai ao Parque" - with the presence of the biggest mobile river aquarium in Europe.
This meeting aims to develop ecological awareness and the impact of climate change, ensuring the achievement of sustainable and sustainable development, In addition, intends to make available to environmental information - "know to preserve" - by presenting the natural world live.
The Renaturadapt project promotes the renaturalization of the riverside landscape and the creation of habitat conditions of flora and fauna, allowing to improve the capacity of hydrological and ecological resilience of the river system of sections of water lines. These are considered priority activities due to the vulnerability of the territory to climate change.
Join us, meet our Guarda-Rios and learn more about this project!