This workshop was attended by ENA – Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida, project promoter, and the municipalities of Setúbal, Palmela and Sesimbra, the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT, Lisbon University) and the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA).
PLAAC-Arrábida is developing three Local Plans for Climate Change Adaptation in the municipalities of Setúbal, Palmela and Sesimbra, preparing the Arrábida territory for the challenges that climate change will bring to the community and contributing to increase the resilience and response capacity of these municipalities. For this aim, the project is funded by the Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy Programme, of the Financial Mechanism EEA Grants 2014-2021.
This first participatory session aimed to jointly build the vision and objectives of the Plans and assess the perception of climate risk that municipal technicians and Local Protection and Safety Authorities technicians of these municipalities have of the territory, identifying and geo-referencing protection/safety elements, strategies and procedures for security and relief and the respective resources.
In the coming months these workshops will continue, also involving local community actors in a participatory process for the elaboration of the three local climate adaptation plans.