In the World Ocean’s Day, was presented to the public - a restricted audience due to Covid 19 limitations - the artistic installation “Plastic Islands”, made of 24 spherical structures covered with plastic and other waste.
This is a time metaphor for the 24 hours of the day, during which we can reduce the amount of plastic that we throw into the Oceans.
It is estimated that annually, 8 to 12 million tons of plastic from land-based sources, enter the Oceans.
Visitors encounter the splendor of art, versus the bitterness of the hundreds of plastic bottles the serve as “raw-material” for this artistic installation, conceived by Bienal of Cerveira, as an awareness action, under LowPlast- The Art of reducing Plastic - project.
It is floating in Minho river, at the idyllic Lenta leisure zone, in Vila Nova de Cerveira.
LowPlast project is financed by EEA Grants and promoted by Vila Nova de Cerveira Municipality - Aquamuseu of Minho river.