The event, held at 11 am virtually via videoconference, had 125 participants and as speakers, the project promoter CONCEXEC - Arquitetura, Lda, its co-promoters, LNEC - National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, IP, RISE Fire Research, the Sustainable Habitat Cluster and with the presence of Drª. Susana Escária on behalf of the Environment Programme Operator, the Secretary General for Environment and Climate Action.
The event was opened by Prof. Victor Ferreira, president of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster, and by Architect Jaime Silva of CONCEXEC - Arquitetura, Lda., after which the EEA Grants Environment Programme was presented.
The second part of the event, in charge of the promoter and co-motors, started with the “Presentation of the CircularBuild Project and Principles of Circularity”, by Architect Jaime Silva of CONCEXEC - Arquitetura, Lda., followed by an intervention on the “Principles of Circularity in the Validation of the Project's Constructive Solution ”by Armando Pinto from LNEC (National Civil Engineering Laboratory) and ended with a presentation on" Fire Safety in Modular Prefabricated Construction "by Erik Jacobsen of the Norwegian institute RISE Fire Research. The event concluded after a debate moderated by Prof. Victor Ferreira, based on the questions raised during the event.
You can find more information about the Circular Build Project here.