CERIS (Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Research centre of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) will coordinate this project, which has the Norwegian Research centre NORSUS (Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research) as a partner.
This project to promote the circular economy in the construction sector is funded by the Programme Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the "European Economic Area (EEA) and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA Grants)”.
The main objective of this project is the creation of the C+D platform, which will be comprehensive, upgradeable and innovative, and that will include a circularity indicator. This platform will be made available to the public in Portugal, Norway and in other countries, in Portuguese and in English, together with a manual in the same languages.
The C + D project, which will start in September this year and run over a year, will be developed by a team of 6 researchers from CERIS and NORSUS.
The Environment Programme supports this project within the scope of the Small Grants Scheme#2, which aims to finance projects that focus on priority areas for reducing plastics in the oceans and promoting awareness of the challenges related to plastics in the oceans and proposing solutions.
Under the EEA Grants 2014-2021, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as donor Countries, finance, in 15 Member States of the European Union, initiatives and projects with the objective of reducing social and economic disparities by strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary Countries.
Know more about EEA Grants.