EEA Grants Environment Programme Assessment Reveals Beneficiaries' Satisfaction

EEA Grants Environment Programme Assessment Reveals Beneficiaries' Satisfaction

Survey identifies improvement opportunities in the EEA Grants Financing Mechanism 2014-2021

The Secretary General for Environment, as Programme Operator of the Environment Programme, conducted a comprehensive analysis of the satisfaction levels of Promoters and Partners involved in projects funded by the Environment, Climate Change, and Low Carbon Economy Programme, under the EEA Grants. This evaluation, based on a survey titled "Lessons Learned in the EEA Grants Financing Mechanism 2014 – 2021," gathered 50 responses out of 324 emails sent, resulting in a response rate of 15.4%.

The survey, conducted between June 21 and July 31, 2024, aimed to identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement in future funding periods. The analysis revealed that 67% of the questions received a satisfaction rate of over 90%, indicating a generally positive perception of the Financing Mechanism. Notably, 100% of respondents confirmed that the projects met pre-identified needs, promoted partnerships with potential for other areas, and allowed the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

However, areas for improvement were also identified. The bureaucracy associated with the management procedures was deemed excessive by 68% of respondents. Additionally, 28% of participants felt that the project did not strengthen knowledge sharing with Donor Countries partners, and 24% indicated that the consortium failed to ensure sustainability after the funding period.

In terms of communication, "Ease of navigation and information location on the EEA Grants Website" and "Visibility of the Environment Programme" were rated positively, while "Awareness of the role of Donor Countries" was identified as the least adequate area.

You may access the Questionaire analysis here.