Environment Programme: Launching Call#5

Environment Programme: Launching Call#5

Projects for climate change-related extreme weather preparedness and risk management

The EEA Grants Environment Programme launches a Call with the objective of financing projects in disadvantaged territories, inland and specific forests in Portugal, considered highly vulnerable to climate change.

These projects should promote the sustainable management of ecosystems in susceptible areas and the recovery of affected areas, as well as the protection and conservation of soils.

Furthermore, projects must demonstrate their benefits for biodiversity and for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in areas susceptible to desertification, using innovative or experimental approaches (pilot projects).

As experimental projects, they must be conceived with a view to their expansion or replication under similar conditions.

To ensure that the specific territorial characteristics are fully contemplated, this present Call is organized in 3 priority areas:

I. Resilience of forest and burned areas;

II. Resilience of the productive systems at oak trees agro-forests and grazing areas;

III. Resilience of productive systems;

In this Call, public or private entities, commercial or non-commercial, and non-governmental organizations legally established as legal persons in Portugal are considered eligible.

Maximum Financing Amount per project: €400,000

Minimum Financing Amount per project: €200,000

Applications must be submitted using for each Call the respective electronic application form and attachments on the EEA Grants website.

The Secretary General for Environment (SGE) has been designated Operator Programme Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy (Environment Programme), and its Donor Programme Partner, Innovation Norway (IN).

Under the EEA Grants 2014 2021, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as Donors, fund initiatives and projects in 15 Member States of the European Union that aim to reduce social and economic disparities, strengthening bilateral relations with the states beneficiaries.

Know more about EEA Grants.