The project " There Is River And Sea, There Is Waste To Transform" aims to develop a set of initiatives and tools that intensively and continuously promote Ocean Literacy and the Protection and Preservation of the Sea integrated in educational systems, informing citizens, training technicians at administrative and business level, to adopt better environmental management practices, therefore, it is assumed that strengthening of education and awareness of the population are the determining factors for success in pursuing a New Course.
This project, which started in May 2020 and will run until March 2022, is based on 4 lines of action:
- Axis 1 - Awareness: Change attitudes and behaviors, involving different actors, in raising awareness to combat marine litter;
- Axis 2 - Literacy: To train the various actors in the process for the daily adoption of the best environmental management practices in this matter;
- Axis 3 - Promotion and Dissemination: Sensitize the community to the protection, prevention and fight against pollution of the marine environment, as well as providing tools that allow a growing intervention in the field and a constant dissemination of the information seized;
- Axis 4 - Evaluation and Impact: Assess the impact of the activities and initiatives of the strategy to combat marine litter.
Be aware of this project and join this common challenge.
More details about the project can be found here.
The Environment Programme supports this project within the scope of the Small Grant Scheme # 1, which aims to finance projects that focus on priority areas for reducing plastics in the oceans and promoting awareness of the challenges related to plastics in the oceans and proposing solutions.
Under the EEA Grants 2014-2021, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as donor Countries, finance, in 15 Member States of the European Union, initiatives and projects with the objective of reducing social and economic disparities by strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary Countries.
Know more about EEA Grants.