The call submitted by LIPOR and IPDJ, under the Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy Program, by European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 - Small Grants Scheme #1 – Projects to prevent and raise awareness to reduce marine litter, was one of the 6 winners, among the 24 calls submitted.
The project intends to develop a set of initiatives and tools that intensively and continuously promote the Ocean Literacy and the Sea Protection and Preservation, integrated into education systems, information to citizens, training of technicians at administrative and business level, in view of adopting the best environmental management practices in this matter. Therefore, it is assumed that the strengthening of education and the awareness of populations are the determining factors for success in pursuing a New Course.
This project, which started in May 2020 and will run until March 2022, is based, above all, on the development of awareness-raising actions to change attitudes and behaviors, as well as literacy initiatives, enabling the different actors in the process to the daily adoption of the best environmental management practices in this area.