On December 15th, the official website of the project PAB_LivingLab – Lives the decarbonization in Parque Adão Barata was launched: a project financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants, whose main purpose is to reduce the carbon intensity of the activities and services of Parque Adão Barata (PAB), in Loures, through the implementation of innovative technological solutions. This is a mission that coincides with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), foreseen in the 2030 Agenda, and that seeks to respond to one of the greatest concerns of our times: climate change.
The PAB_LivingLab website was developed, in all its structure and technical dimension, by Innovation Point, one of the partner entities that integrate the project consortium, and it is through this that the main activities, initiatives, contents and pedagogical resources produced between 2021 and 2024, period during which the project will be ongoing.
Regarding its structure, the page consists of 5 tabs – Homepage, Team, Communication, Environmental Citizenship and Contacts. The Homepage contains the contents referring to the pillars and objectives that structure the project; on the Team tab it is possible to find information about the various elements of the consortium, as well as the corresponding links to the respective institutional sites of each one; the Communication tab contains the project's news and Press Kit; and the Environmental Citizenship tab – an area of the website still under construction – provides for the publication of content focused on raising awareness of the various issues associated with climate action and which find expression in the activities developed under the PAB_LivingLab. The last tab contains the Contacts of AIDGLOBAL, the promoting entity, to which any requests for information can be sent. In the upper right corner of the platform, the icon that guarantees access to the project's Facebook page is also identified. An additional note should be made regarding the responsive design of the platform, which allows users to access the website from any device.
In addition to the responsibility for regular communication of the planned activities, in the application process, and the presentation of a periodic assessment corresponding to the results obtained in each of the axes that structure the project, this will also be a platform through which to seek promote greater awareness of civil society for the adoption of sustainable behaviors and practices with the least possible impact on the environment.
PAB_LivingLab – Experiencing decarbonization in Parque Adão Barata is a project that runs from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024, financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants, whose promoting entity is AIDGLOBAL – Action and Integration for Global Development –, and as partners the Municipality of Loures, the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, bim+, dstsolar and Innovation Point.