The project PLAAC - Arrábida, funded by the EEA Grants Environment Programme, aims at preparing the municipalities of Setúbal, Palmela and Sesimbra to face the challenges of climate change through the elaboration of three local adaptation plans, contributing to increase the resilience and response capacity of these municipalities.
Although climate change has a global scope, the success of facing this challenge depends on the capacity to concretise adaptation plans in a local context. In this sense, ENA conceives the elaboration of these plans as a participative process that involves the key actors of the local community and thus has organised this week the second capacity building and awareness raising action for local organisations, aimed at creating a Local Stakeholders Network that actively participates in the process of elaboration of Local Climate Change Adaptation Plans.
These Local Stakeholders Networks - one for each municipality - are formed by local authorities, civil society and the private sector that will bring to the process of plans’ elaboration a knowledge closer to the ground and to the impacts of climate change in their areas of action, thus contributing to the construction of strategies that translate global policies into local strategies.
The session, organized by the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA), partner of the project, took place online for two days and was attended by about forty agents of the three municipalities. The constitution of these Local Networks for Adaptation to Climate Change will continue in September with another training session and participatory workshops.