The project aims to prepare the Arrábida territory to face the challenge of climate change through the elaboration of local adaptation plans for the three municipalities, identifying vulnerabilities, reducing risks and impacts and promoting their adaptation and resilience. The elaboration of the plans is a participative process that relies on key actors from the local community.
Hosted in, this online space intends to be a suitable channel to communicate with the general public and, namely, with the local community where PLAAC - Arrábida is inserted, making the project known, sharing the development of the different associated tasks and showing the results of the climate adaptation plans elaborated for the three municipalities.
With a simple, dynamic and intuitive interface, the PLAAC project webpage gathers information about the project activities, news, audiovisual content, dissemination materials and documents of interest, and will be updated throughout the life of the project. The website also allows the connection with the EEA Grants Funding Mechanism and the Environment Programme, as well as the PLAAC social networks on Facebook and Twitter, in order to increase the project visibility and reach.
PLAAC - Arrábida is funded through the Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy Programme of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, which promotes the circular economy, the decarbonisation of society and the valorisation of the territory and is operated in Portugal by the General Secretariat for Environment, of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action.