On the next 24th of November, at 3 pm, will take place the presentation event of the CirMat projet (CIRcular aggregates for sustainable road and building MATerials), project which is promoted by dst, S.A. and, as partners, the Instituto Superior Técnico, the University of Minho and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
This project is financed by 85% the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism – EEA Grants, under the EEA Grants Environment program and will run over two years, aiming the industrial development of innovative construction materials from construction and demolition waste and by-products, to demonstrate its application in buildings and in road infrastructures. In addition, it is proposed to communicate the environmental, economic and social advantages of this type of products / materials, namely through the development of Environmental Product Declarations.
This event aims to captivate the interest of several players and stakeholders for the potential of these innovative products, developed according the circular economy principles, and which will contribute to the clean green transition.