The weather conditions were favorable to the work of the E-Redes team, who with commitment and determination, covered the entire length of the Esposende coastline, collecting the most diverse types of debris. According to the plan, the next campaign will take place in two months.
The removal, quantification and typification of marine litter ashored to the beaches of the municipality of Esposende is one of the actions of the project “E-REDES – Enhancing biodegradable fishnets to promote sustainability: a pilot study in the Northern Littoral Natural Park ”, approved under the Call Small Grants Scheme #1 – Projects to prevent and raise awareness to reduce marine litter.
The E-Redes project is a pilot study promoted by the Municipality, in partnership with the municipal company Esposende Ambiente, the University of Minho and the Environmental Association - Rio Neiva, which aims at implementing a pilot study in the Marine Protected Area of the Northern Littoral Marine Park, were degradable gillnets and trammel nets will be provided to the fishing community in an unprecedented pilot test. The effect of this initiative on the reduction of ghost fishing and of synthetic plastic materials in the ocean will be assessed.
It should also be noted that the E-Redes project contributes to the fulfillment of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 12 - Sustainable production and consumption, SDG 14 – Life below water and the SDG 17 - Partnerships for Sustainable Development.